It’s Bell Let’s Talk Day and CanLearn Wants to Help!

Let’s make sure to take time to connect today and every day! Our connections will look different this year than in other years, but it is more important than ever. At CanLearn, we are working to make talk about mental health possible. CanLearn is working to offer mental health and social-emotional interventions to those who need them.

We offer our Calm Kids Happy Families program for families with children with mental health and/or behavioural challenges. This online parent program provides information, strategies, resources, and a community for families’ resource sharing.

We also offer free counselling services to those struggling with anxiety, mood, or behaviour difficulties (which are often challenges associated with learning difficulties and attention challenges).

Please make sure to use #BellLetsTalk on this very important day to spread awareness of the importance of mental health.

For more information about any of our services at CanLearn, please call 403-686-9300 ext. 102.

#BellLetsTalk #MentalHealthAwareness