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Learning Disabilities Resources

This page is a collection of recommended resources and information for parents, adults, children and teens, and professionals.

These resources can help you on your journey of learning more about learning disabilities, but don’t know where to begin.


Choose a sub-heading below to quickly jump to the resources you are looking for.

Learning Disabilities - Parent & Caregiver Resources

Learning Disabilities –  or LDs for short – can affect in one or more ways that a person takes in, stores, or uses information. LDs come in many forms and affect people with varying levels of severity.

The most recent research shows that between 5 and 10 percent of Canadians have learning disabilities. LDs are a life-long condition. They do not go away, but we know that people who have LDs can successfully navigate school and life by using their areas of strength to compensate and by using accommodations such as technology.

Recommended Reading on Learning Disabilities (LD)

The following list of books are recommended reading:

  • The Misunderstood child. 4th ed. / Silver, Larry B.
  • Learning outside the lines / Mooney, Jonathan and Cole, David.
  • Thinking differently / Flink, David.

LD & ADHD Network

The Calgary Region LD & ADHD Network was established to foster collaborative action toward more effective and coordinated cross-organizational and sectoral responses to LD and ADHD.

Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta

The LDAA supports to children, families and adults affected by learning disabilities and ADHD.The LDAA supports to children, families and adults affected by learning disabilities and ADHD.

LD @ Home

The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) has put together a website of resources and information for parents and elementary school aged children. The LD @ Home website provides education, knowledge to assist you in your journey.

Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC)

The LDAC has provided national leadership in the shaping of public policy and federal legislation, working to ensure the voices of individuals with learning disabilities are heard by those in the federal government. This website also includes resources and education about LDs.


The website is dedicated to offering resources on LDs and ADHD to help individuals take control, find community, and stay on a positive path at every stage of life’s journey.

Listener Friendly Instruction

Students spend more than half of the school day listening to information and instructions. Students may have difficulty listening for many reasons. Listening is more than just hearing. It requires the student to focus on key information and filter out the unimportant information, as well as retain, retrieve and apply the information.

Learning Disabilities - Child & Teen Resources

Learning Disabilities

In order to help your child, it is important to understand what a learning disability is and how it can be treated.

First and foremost, a learning disability doesn’t mean that your child can’t learn. It just means that they’ll need some help, and will have to work extra hard. But there are ways that you can help them.

This section addresses what learning disabilities are, along with resources discussing treatments and recommendations on how to help your child if they have a learning disability.

Below are several books to encourage children and to help them to learn how to work with their learning disabilities:

  • The Don’t-Give-Up Kid: and Learning Disabilities / Gehret, Jeanne.
  • Holy Enchilada / Winkler, Henry and Oliver, Lin.
  • Just Juice / Hesse, Karen.
  • Fish In A Tree / Hunt, Lynda Mullaly.

Learning Disabilities & ADHD Network – Calgary Region

The Learning Disabilities & ADHD Network’s website is an online resource that provides information for children, teens, and adults with suspected or diagnosed Learning Disabilities or ADHD.

Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta

The LDAA supports to children, families and adults affected by learning disabilities and ADHD.


The LD@Home website provides education, knowledge and resources to assist you in your journey.

LD OnLine

LD OnLine knows that there are many different ways to learn, and having the right tools at school and at home can change everything.

Learning Disabilities - Adult Resources

Friends of Quinn

Friends of Quinn is a website focused on providing information and encouragement to discover how to thrive with learning differences.

Understood provides information for all ages on living with learning difficulties.

Learning Disabilities - Professional Resources

Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC)

The LDAC has provided national leadership in the shaping of public policy and federal legislation, working to ensure the voices of individuals with learning disabilities are heard by those in the federal government. This website also includes resources and education about LDs.

Learning Disabilities Association of America

The LDAA provides some great information for all ages on different types of learning difficulties.

Understood provides information for all ages on living with learning difficulties.


Self-advocacy is learning to speak up on your behalf and ask for what you need. It is learning to take charge and be more independent. It builds self-confidence. Confident students feel better about themselves, take more risks, ask for the help and clarification they need and consequently do better in school and in life.

La défense de ses propres intérêts

La défense de ses intérêts est le fait d’apprendre à s’exprimer et à demander ce dont on a besoin. C’est apprendre à prendre les choses en main et à être plus indépendant. Cela développe la confiance en soi. Les élèves qui ont confiance en eux se sentent mieux dans leur peau, prennent plus de risques, demandent l’aide et la clarification dont ils ont besoin et, par conséquent, réussissent mieux à l’école et dans la vie.