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ADHD Resources

This page is a collection of recommended resources and information for parents, adults, children and teens, and professionals.

These resources can help you on your journey of learning more about ADHD, but don’t know where to begin.

Choose a sub-heading below to quickly jump to the resources you are looking for.

ADHD - Parent & Caregiver Resources

Recommended Reading on ADHD

The following list of books are recommended reading:

  • Driven to distraction: Recognizing and coping with Attention Deficit Disorder / Hallowell, Edward M., Ratey, John J.
  • Taking charge of ADHD: The complete, authoritative guide for parents. 4th ed. / Barkley, Russell.
  • What your ADHD child wishes you knew / Saline, Sharon Saline.
  • The Explosive child: A new approach for understanding and parenting easily frustrated, chronically inflexible children. 6th ed. / Greene, Ross W.

Dispelling Myths about ADHD

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is complex. How it is exhibited can differ for every child and adult. Most of us have some knowledge about the condition. However, there are many myths circulating about ADHD that shape how we think about, react to and support those who have it. These tip sheets address some of the common myths.

LD & ADHD Network

The Calgary Region LD & ADHD Network was established to foster collaborative action toward more effective and coordinated cross-organizational and sectoral responses to LD and ADHD.


CADDAC is a national charity providing leadership in awareness, education, and advocacy for ADHD across Canada.


CADDRA is an independent, not-for-profit resource organization for medical, healthcare and research professionals with an interest in the field of ADHD.


The ADDitude website provides evidence-based, expert guidance and in-the-trenches understanding to help readers navigate the real challenges of living with ADHD and related conditions.


The website is dedicated to offering resources to help individuals take control, find community, and stay on a positive path at every stage of life’s journey.

ADHD Treatment and Self-Esteem

This podcast summarizes the results of a recent research review that looked at 127 studies, which focused on ADHD treatment and self-esteem. Outcomes in self-esteem are discussed comparing treated ADHD vs. untreated ADHD vs. individuals without ADHD.

ADHD Treatment Overview

The CHADD website provides a Treatment Overview after an ADHD diagnosis. A comprehensive treatment approach for children and adolescents with ADHD will ensure the greatest opportunities for success. Usually, more than one intervention is needed. A “multimodal” approach can consist of parent and child education about the diagnosis, behaviour management techniques if required, medication, and other supports.

ADHD and Preschoolers – Child-sized Bundles of Energy

Can you diagnose ADHD in preschoolers? Should you be diagnosing it? And, what do you do for preschoolers with ADHD?

Study Tips and Strategies for Students with ADHD

Academics can be challenging for most students with ADHD. This website resource has some great tips and ideas to set you on a course for success.

ADHD - Child & Teen Resources

ADHD and Executive Functioning Resources

  • Smart but scattered teens / Guare, Richard, Dawson, Peg, et al.
  • Thriving with ADHD workbook / Clifford, Gerald Paul.
  • Baxter turns down his buzz: A story for little kids about ADHD / Foley, James M.
  • My brain needs glasses: ADHD explained to kids / Vincent, Annick.

LD & ADHD Network

 The Learning Disabilities & ADHD Network’s website is an online resource that provides information for children, teens, and adults with suspected or diagnosed Learning Disabilities or ADHD.

ADHD Kids Rock!

ADHD Kids Rock, is a home for all things supporting kids with ADHD. ADHD Kids Rock! founder Jeff Rasmussen, built this website to provide a safe space to share stories, as well as educate those who live and work with ADHD kids about the condition.

CADDRA – Information for Children

CADDRA’s Information for Children page provides answers to frequently asked questions such as:

  • How do I tell my friends about ADHD?
  •  How did I get ADHD?
  •  Do I have to take pills?
  •  What about school?


Jessica has a lot of great videos that speak to teens and young adults with ADHD. She does a great job keeping your attention because she moves around quickly and keeps the conversation moving.

ADHD - Adult Resources


The ADDitude website provides evidence-based, expert guidance and in-the-trenches understanding to help readers navigate the real challenges of living with ADHD and related conditions.

Tips for Managing Adult ADHD

In this webinar, you will learn about ADHD and things you can do to make coping with it easier, including, tips for getting organized, managing tasks, implementing structure and routine and healthier lifestyle habits.

Supporting a Loved One With ADHD

Are you in a relationship with someone with ADHD or have a family member with ADHD? In this webinar, you will learn about what ADHD is and how to support someone who has it. The more you know about ADHD, the easier it will be to see how it affects their lives and relationships and how best to help and support them.

ADHD in the Workplace

Are you struggling to keep up with demands at work? Or maybe you are in the process of looking for work? Then this is the webinar for you! We will be covering topics that will help in both areas including:

  • Setting up a structured workplace environment – whether working from an office or at home
  • Tips for organization, focus and increasing productivity
  • Supporting your mental health
  • How do you know if it’s the right fit? Aligning your career with your strengths
  • When should I disclose my diagnosis to my employer?
  • What accommodations might I need in the workplace?


CADDAC is a national charity providing leadership in awareness, education, and advocacy for ADHD across Canada.

Totally ADD

TotallyADD is an independent Canadian website featuring top experts and reliable information for about Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder adults.

How to ADHD

For those of us with ADHD, we know that we have brains that work differently.  Which means we need to work differently. How to ADHD has a YouTube channel with lots of great short videos that talk about the challenges of having ADHD, and how to work differently.

ADHD - Professional Resources


The ADDitude website provides evidence-based, expert guidance and in-the-trenches understanding to help readers navigate the real challenges of living with ADHD and related conditions.

Strategies and Tools for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities or ADHD – Series

Learning is a complex task, and teaching is even more complex, given the diversity of learners in each classroom.  This excellent resource was created to be a tool for educators.  The strategies modelled are of universal benefit to all students and are particularly useful as targeted supports for students with learning disabilities and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The original Take Ten Series is listed below with English and French versions available.

Each video is a 10-minute tool that:

  • Explains specific learning difficulties
  • Shows what these difficulties look like in the classroom
  • Provides proven strategies and tools that work

Dispelling Myths about ADHD

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is complex. How it is exhibited can differ for every child and adult. Most of us have some knowledge about the condition. However, there are many myths circulating about ADHD that shape how we think about, react to and support those who have it. These tip sheets address some of the common myths.

Démystifier le TDA/H

Le TDA/H est complexe. Ce trouble se présente de différentes manières chez l’enfant et l’adulte. La plupart d’entre nous possèdent une connaissance de base en ce qui concerne le trouble. Cependant, il existe beaucoup de mythes qui circulent sur le TDA/H et qui influencent notre façon de percevoir et d’aider les personnes qui en souffrent ainsi que la façon dont nous réagissons envers elles. Cet aide-mémoire aborde quelques uns des mythes les plus fréquents.

Listener Friendly Instruction

Students spend more than half of the school day listening to information and instructions. Students may have difficulty listening for many reasons. Listening is more than just hearing. It requires the student to focus on key information and filter out the unimportant information, as well as retain, retrieve and apply the information.

Rendre votre instruction plus accessible

Les élèves passent plus de la moitié de leur journée d’école à écouter des informations et des instructions. Les élèves peuvent éprouver des difficultés d’écoute pour plusieurs raisons. Écouter est plus complexe qu’entendre. Cela requiert que l’élève se focalise sur l’information clé et fasse abstraction de l’information sans importance, tout en retenant, récupérant et appliquant l’information.

Reframing ADHD

Students with ADHD often go through a day with too few positive experiences. This can lead to low self-esteem, lack of motivation and feelings of stress. A teacher’s perspective on ADHD can make a big difference in how they interact with students and consequently how the student feels about themselves. By understanding the basis for the difficulties experienced by students with ADHD, it helps teachers to be more compassionate and focus on identifying and providing appropriate supports. “Reframing” how we look at ADHD can lead to greater success for the student and teacher.

Recadrer sa perception du trouble du déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDA/H)

Les élèves souffrant du TDA/H vivent souvent trop peu d’expériences positives au cours d’une journée. Cela peut entrainer une baisse de l’estime de soi, un manque de motivation et des sentiments de stress. Le point de vue des enseignants sur le TDA/H peut faire une grande différence dans la façon dont ils interagissent avec les élèves et par conséquent dans la façon dont l’élève se perçoit. Le fait de comprendre les fondements des difficultés que vivent les élèves souffrant du TDA/H nous aide à être plus compatissants et à nous focaliser sur les soutiens appropriés à apporter. Le « recadrage » de notre vision du TDA/H peut mener à une plus grande réussite pour l’élève et l’enseignant.


Self-advocacy is learning to speak up on your behalf and ask for what you need. It is learning to take charge and be more independent. It builds self-confidence. Confident students feel better about themselves, take more risks, ask for the help and clarification they need and consequently do better in school and in life.

La défense de ses propres intérêts

La défense de ses intérêts est le fait d’apprendre à s’exprimer et à demander ce dont on a besoin. C’est apprendre à prendre les choses en main et à être plus indépendant. Cela développe la confiance en soi. Les élèves qui ont confiance en eux se sentent mieux dans leur peau, prennent plus de risques, demandent l’aide et la clarification dont ils ont besoin et, par conséquent, réussissent mieux à l’école et dans la vie.


Students with learning disabilities and/or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often have difficulty managing their behaviour. They need to recognize, channel and manage their frustrations, excessive physical energy and impulsiveness that may result from their difficulty. Engineering the learning environment and teaching students strategies to deal with these issues is key to their success in school and in life.

La maitrise de soi

Les élèves ayant des troubles d’apprentissage et/ou un trouble du déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDA/H) ont souvent des problèmes à contrôler leur comportement. Ils ont besoin d’identifier, de canaliser et de contrôler les frustrations, l’énergie physique excessive et les impulsions qui peuvent en résulter. L’organisation de l’environnement d’apprentissage et l’enseignement aux élèves de stratégies pour faire face à ces problèmes sont essentiels à leur réussite à l’école et dans la vie.

Working Memory

No matter how motivated you are, it is hard to learn and retrieve key knowledge and skills if you can only hold on to a limited amount of information in memory at one time.

Working memory is an executive function that allows us to hold information in mind while working with it. Working memory is critical in the process of storing information in long-term memory. It is also critical in retrieving previously learned information from memory. In fact, most of the “work” in the memory system occurs in “working” memory where information is managed, manipulated and transformed.

La mémoire de travail

On a beau être très motivé, il est très difficile d’apprendre et de récupérer les connaissances et les compétences clés lorsque l’on ne retient qu’une quantité limitée d’information à la fois.

La mémoire de travail est une fonction exécutive qui nous permet de retenir de l’information tout en travaillant avec. La mémoire de travail est cruciale lors du processus de stockage de l’information dans la mémoire à long terme. Elle est aussi essentielle lorsque l’on récupère dans la mémoire l’information déjà apprise. En fait, la plupart du « travail » dans le système de mémoire se passe dans la mémoire de « travail » où l’information est gérée, manipulée et transformée.