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Challenging Behaviour Resources

This page is a collection of recommended resources and information for parents, adults, children and teens, and professionals.

These resources can help you on your journey of learning more about challenging behaviour, but don’t know where to begin.

Choose a sub-heading below to quickly jump to the resources you are looking for.

Challenging Behaviour - Parent & Caregiver Resources

ADHD and Working Memory

This podcast describes working memory and how it is related to ADHD. Strategies for improving working memory are also provided.

ADHD and Preschoolers: Child-sized Bundles of Energy

Can you diagnose ADHD in preschoolers? Should you be diagnosing it? And, what do you do for preschoolers with ADHD?

This podcast episode is an audio recording of a blog that you can read at


Students with learning disabilities and/or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often have difficulty managing their behaviour. They need to recognize, channel and manage their frustrations, excessive physical energy and impulsiveness that may result from their difficulty. Engineering the learning environment and teaching students strategies to deal with these issues is key to their success in school and in life.

Working Memory

No matter how motivated you are, it is hard to learn and retrieve key knowledge and skills if you can only hold on to a limited amount of information in memory at one time.

Working memory is an executive function that allows us to hold information in mind while working with it. Working memory is critical in the process of storing information in long-term memory. It is also critical in retrieving previously learned information from memory. In fact, most of the “work” in the memory system occurs in “working” memory where information is managed, manipulated and transformed.

Self-Reg 101

Shanker Self-Reg® is a process, grounded in new science, for developing growth and promoting self-regulation, and dealing with stress.

This website can provide resources to help you to learn how to read, reframe, and respond to behaviour, strong emotions, dysregulation, and much more.

ADHD is an Excuse for Poor Parenting or “Bad Behaviour”

In this the first episode in a five episode series that tackles ADHD myths, this podcast and provides listeners with information to better help them understand ADHD. In this episode we tackle the myth “ADHD is just an excuse for poor parenting or “bad behaviour”.

Keeping Things Positive with the Premack Principle

In this podcast, parents will learn how to use a type of positive reinforcement, known as the Premack Principle, to help improve positive behaviours and interactions with their child.

Parenting a Neurodiverse Child

Parenting a neurodiverse child can be challenging when all supports are in place, and many have found themselves needing extra support during the past year. Many of the usual strategies and supports are not the best fit for neurodiverse children.

Catch Them Doing Good

In a study by William E. Pelham, Jr. and Gregory A. Fabiano in 2008, they estimated that a typical ADHD child has nearly half a million negative social interactions each year.

Executive Functions

In this podcast, listeners will learn about executive functions and how they are impaired in individuals with ADHD. Parents will learn strategies to help their child with difficulties in executive function. A great podcast for learning strategies for planning, organizing, managing emotions, shifting attention and being flexible, getting started on tasks and organizing your belongings.

Put Your Oxygen Mask on First!

In this podcast, parents will learn the importance of modelling to their children healthy ways to deal with tough emotions.

Challenging Behaviour - Child & Teen Resources

Too Much of a Good Thing: Video Game Addiction and ADHD

Video games have always been promoted as amazing sources of entertainment. But not much is said about the impact they have on a gamer’s health.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

From the CanLearn Archives: we’re going to practice some special kinds of exercises called relaxation exercises. These exercises help you to learn how to relax when you’re feeling up-tight and help you get rid of those butterflies-in-your-stomach kinds of feelings.

Time Management

In this podcast, listeners will learn about ADHD and time management and strategies they can use to help improve time management skills in daily life.

Challenging Behaviour - Adult Resources

You, Your ADHD, and Marijuana

Everyone knows that the brain is complicated. Yet, even with all of the scientific and medical advances that have been made, we still don’t know everything there is to know about the brain.

ADHD and Sleep

In this podcast, listeners will learn more about ADHD and sleep difficulties and strategies they can us to improve sleep.


ADHD Myth: People With ADHD are Lazy

This is the third episode in a five episode series that tackles ADHD myths and provides listeners with information to better help them understand ADHD. In this episode we tackle the myth “people with ADHD are lazy.”


ADHD Treatment and Self-Esteem

This podcast summarizes the results of a recent research review that looked at 127 studies, which focused on ADHD treatment and self-esteem. Outcomes in self-esteem are discussed comparing treated ADHD vs. untreated ADHD vs. individuals without ADHD.


In this podcast, listeners will learn more about routines and how they can use them to make life less stressful for themselves and their children. Tips are provided on how to create routines and find solutions to potential problems with using routines.


ADHD Myth: Medications Increase the Risk of Drug Abuse

This is the fourth episode in a five episode series that tackles ADHD myths and provides listeners with information to better help them understand ADHD. In this episode we tackle the myth “ADHD medications increase the risk of drug abuse.”



In this podcast, listeners will learn about self-monitoring and how they can use self-monitoring strategies to help manage ADHD symptoms.


Challenging Behaviour - Professional Resources

ADHD Myth: All Children With ADHD Have Behaviour Problems

This is the second episode in a five episode series that tackles ADHD myths and provides listeners with information to better help them understand ADHD. In this episode we tackle the myth “all children with ADHD have behavior problems.”


Students with learning disabilities and/or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often have difficulty managing their behaviour. They need to recognize, channel and manage their frustrations, excessive physical energy and impulsiveness that may result from their difficulty. Engineering the learning environment and teaching students strategies to deal with these issues is key to their success in school and in life.

Working Memory

No matter how motivated you are, it is hard to learn and retrieve key knowledge and skills if you can only hold on to a limited amount of information in memory at one time.

Working memory is an executive function that allows us to hold information in mind while working with it. Working memory is critical in the process of storing information in long-term memory. It is also critical in retrieving previously learned information from memory. In fact, most of the “work” in the memory system occurs in “working” memory where information is managed, manipulated and transformed.